Happy New Year! For the past three years, I’ve chosen a word that I focused on during the year. These consisted of joy, hope, adventure. This year, I picked the word, patience.
Reflecting back on last year, I chose the word, “adventure,” for 2017. The year was filled with many adventures. My adventures and their results included:
- I stared this blog and shared my life journey through writing and graphics.
- Happy almost 1 year anniversary to the Light Shine Brightly blog!
- I wasn’t able to keep up with my blog.
- I created the Shine Brightly Project to encourage others to try something new each month.
- Others tried out the Shine Brightly Project and shared with me their success.
- I began a new job in a different field.
- I am still on the learning curve though it’s not as steep as it was when I first began.
- I ventured into a new business as a Doterra’s wellness advocate or consultant.
- I reached the director ranking.
- I started a Facebook group with a friend called Fresh Start to Healthy Living that focuses on health and wellness.
- My goal was to put a post every week, but I dropped the ball.
- I’m thankful for my friend who has been continuing the group though there’s not as much buzz as before.
- I lead a missions team with my church to Thailand for the first time.
- The team accomplished what we set out to do.
- I survived as a leader.
As I began all these new things, I was so excited to start these new adventures and I was very optimistic of how these things would turn out. As I was doing all these things, I could not keep up with everything. The results weren’t the best, but weren’t the worst. I’d say it was all mediocre. At the very least, I give myself credit for trying. All these things that I’ve tried refined my character and I’d like to be better at all these things. This is where patience is needed in order for me to shine brightly.
At the end of 2017 when I was in Thailand, I was irritated at something and my teammate pointed out my quick judgment. That made me think how I lacked patience.
From trying all these new things in 2017 and not getting the results I hope for, I decided my word for 2018 would be patience. Starting anything new takes time and patience in the process. With effort, I know that I will eventually get to the result I want, but it may take more time than I’d like.
My hopes and wishes for this year comprise of:
- I would like to be able to write at least once a month.
- I will continue to encourage others to try new things and point them to my Shine Brightly project.
- I will continue to put on my learner’s hat at work and not be so hard at myself.
- I will hold classes about health and wellness to grow my business in Doterra. I will continue to share about the great health benefits of essential oils.
- I will continue to encourage others about missions and grow in leadership.
- I’m not going to continue my Facebook group, Fresh Start to Healthy Living, until I can get a handle of my other goals.
I am a dreamer and visionary at heart. I’d like to go at fuIl speed, but I am reminded to be patient with myself. That means I may be a seed or sprout for a long time, but eventually, I will grow into plant. Soon enough with much patience, I will bear much fruit.