Happy 2024! How has your year been so far? Have you seen any progress to you goals yet?
During one of my last coaching sessions of 2023, one of my coaching clients had a big list of goals for 2024 and expressed excitement for the new year. When we started coaching again in 2024, I checked in with her to see how she was progressing with her goals, but she had fallen off the bandwagon and lacked motivation to start of goals. She made excuses for not starting even though she created a plan last year. Gently, I reminded her that there is nothing magical about January 1st and she could start accomplishing her goals when she’s ready, so she decided January 22 was her new start for this year.

There is nothing magical about January 1st! Rather, it’s just an arbitrary date that our society tells us that we should have new year’s resolutions/goals and we better start working them. Let’s take off the pressure that we need to have our goals planned out by January 1st and actually make time to create yearly goals! You have the power to start your goals any time, so why not start today or when you feel ready! So if you’ve ditched your new year’s resolutions, there is still time to start on your goals and be intentional. The most important part is to have a plan to accomplish your new year’s goals. The magic can happen when you put your mind to it! I’m here to help you reach your goals, so you can dream big and shine brightly!

I believe everyone has the ability to become a better version of themselves and create yearly goals! Hopefully, we all want to be better versions of ourselves, so we can dream big and shine brightly in 2024! I’m here to help you with that by giving you the tools to be successful. Join me in a FREE goal setting workshop online on January 30 (Tuesday) from 7:00 – 8:15 PM PST. This workshop will give you the practical steps to create your annual goals, so you’ll feel like you’re off to a great start for 2024. Fill out the form below and I will send you the Zoom link to the workshop on January 29th.