Behind the Mask: COVID-19 Diaries

COVID-19 has changed the way we live today and the whole world is experiencing the changes together. COVID-19 has spread like a wildfire and killed hundreds of thousands of people. Now, the whole nation and world are sheltering in place in their homes. In these difficult circumstances, we have more compassion for each other because we are all experiencing the similar effects of COVID-19 even though we are different cultures and countries.

Since I’ve started quarantining in my house back on March 16, 2020, I struggled to internalize how I’m feeling and how to process all these emotions. I went through all the different stages of grief. Now that I’ve finally have a handle over my emotions, I’m journaling about it in a series called “Behind the Mask: COVID-19 Diaries.” This is a way to connect with others who might have similar experiences and to tell them that they’re not alone.

A mask covers parts of the face and can be worn for many different uses. A mask can be worn to protect a person’s identity or from the virus. In many super hero movies like Super Woman, Captain America, Batman, and Spiderman, the super heroes wear masks and save the world. Today, a person must wear a mask if he or she goes outside to stop spreading COVID-19. In some sense, wearing a mask is like being a super hero in saving the world. In another sense, wearing mask is a way to hide emotions and a part of one’s inner self. My emotions have been hidden for the longest time and today, my voice comes out through words.

I’d like to believe that I’m an important person in society. I want to wear the mask and cape of a super hero to save the world from COVID-19. If I could, would use my shield and super powers to protect people from this deadly virus. I want to believe that I have strength to help others, but in reality, I don’t any super powers.

Like many people, I’m trying to survive everyday at home. The reality is that our lives have changed whether we were ready for it and the reality is that we weren’t prepared for COVID-19. It was like we were ambushed and thrown into the fire. Many parents now work from home while taking on a new role of being “homeschool” teachers and figuring out how to teach their kids. We have taken on many unexpected new roles and we had to jump right into these new role without any time to internalize these changes. We are all just surviving at home in the best way we know how to.

I applaud everyone for taking on the new roles and going through new changes. Let’s remember to be kind to ourselves as we are surviving. Let’s remind ourselves that we are doing the best under difficult circumstances. We are all in this together and united as one!